Sunday, January 14, 2007

things are too exciting sometimes

This week has been so cold. but oh well it is January in Manitoba. My work was cancelled on Friday due to the extreme wind chill. So i had day off with pay then. That was fine with me. Yesterday we went out to selkirk to see friends, but our car would not start because the car was not plugged into the block heater all the way. So we tried to get it going, but we had to pick it up after church today, it started but not very willingly. Our friends gave us a ride back to Winnipeg early in the morning. But all is okay now, but we are tired today from that. It took me forever to warm up last night beacuase it was so cold.

I am going shopping with my parents for a bit this afternoon. so that should be good.


Michelle said...

Yeah, Stephan was telling me in church today that you guys didn't get home til 3am this morning. You're gonna want a nap later on today, eh?

I like the pictures you posted, Steph. Keep it up! :)

Monika said...

A day off with pay due to cold weather....nice!!