Thursday, August 9, 2007


well since I last posted there have been no car breakdowns, keep my fingers crossed on that one. Stephan has been working alot, so I have alot of hours on my own in the evenings. That get tiring after awhile, but having my sister near by helps.

We went camping with family on the long weekend at Falcon Lake. It was so nice to actually have my husband around in the evening and being able to spend time together. Stephan's 25th birthday was on Monday but we celebrated it on Sunday. My family bought a cake and he never knew a thing about it, which it is hard to pull things on him.

Now the long weekend is over and I am back at work for a few days, but am looking forward to another weekend. I will put some pictures up when I have them loaded.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'll cross my fingers for you too! :) I always detested my Ford Escort shi*t-box, so I understand the frustrations that cars can bring. Fred Flintstone had nothin' on me! lol!