Friday, February 8, 2008


well alot has gone on since christmas. I did some cross-country skiing, but wish I could have done more of that yet, but it has been quite cold on the weekends.

On January 24th, Stephan and I took off to Alberta for 10 days. We drove all around Alberta, and visitied friends and family. We stayed with my friend Juanita and went to Break Forth in Edmonton. I really recommend this christian conference to anyone. Then we went to my Uncle Glen and Auntie Kim and family. Stephan's car managed to break down and we had to replace a fuel pump (ouch!!!!). Then we stayed at West Edmonton Mall and went to the waterpark, and did some shoppping. Then we Stayed at Banff for a night and went up the Gondola. The weather was beautiful at -4. That sure beat the storm and cold weather we faced the days before. Then we went to see Stephan's great aunt Margaret. She is 88 and spunky as ever. She told us about living in Russia and Ukraine as a child and coming to Canada, and showed us pictures from Russia when she went back. We also saw Stephan's grandma who just went through Radiation for her cancer. The cancer has set in her bones and we are hoping and praying this will help her.

Then we went to see my Great Uncle Lorn and Great Aunt Marnie in Caronport, and then drove on home. So lots of hours in car, but is was great to spend lots of quatlity time with Stephan as his job does not allow that too much.

I will post some pictures on my next post from the trip. The mountains were so beautiful I wish I could live there.

1 comment:

Monika said...

Sounds like you had a busy but fun trip to Alberta! It's always nice just to get away from home like that and get a break from normal life.