Friday, July 13, 2007

way to long since last update

Life has been very crazy since the last post in June. Stephan was working alot and I was home alone trying to fill in time. I watched my cute niece Sarah a few times. She is such a cutie, and growing like a weed. She will be four months on the 23rd of this month, which is hard to believe that she is already that old.

I took some time off of work this month, with my client being away. I did not go anywhere but it was nice to have some time to relax. I have been under the weather for a while but am now feeling much better with more sleep.

I went on a semi-truck run with my dad last weekend. It was fun, even though the truck broke down and it took a while to get the other truck. My dad hauls grain bins in the summer time. It was neat to watch the grain bin lift up and stand up with the hydraulic system on the trailer. I want to go on another run sometime and then I will take a video of that, and put in on here.

I had an interesting week. went to emergency with a infection on Sunday night, and then had a serious reaction to the antibiotic. It took three shots of epepherine, and lots of medication to get that under control. So that was scary, and glad that is over now. No more of that medicine for me anymore. They had to call the ambulance to my workplace.

I am back at work on Tuesday and my regular client is back on Friday, so my holidays are over.

Stephan is currently looking for other ministry work.

Anwyays that is what is new with us.

I will attempt to adds some pics to this, this works now, yeah.

1 comment:

Monika said...

Sorry to hear about your scare with the allergic reaction to the medication, glad you are ok again!